Tag: wage garnishment

Understanding Bankruptcy: Your Guide to Managing Debt, Divorce Issues, and Financial Hardships with Attorney Joseph Wrobel

In today’s complex financial landscape, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by debt, significantly when unexpected life changes impact our finances. From maxed-out credit cards to unanticipated Read full article  read more

Knowing When It’s Time to File for Bankruptcy: A Guide to Financial Relief

Joseph Wrobel is the Chicago Bankruptcy Lawyer Who Puts Your In the Driver’s Seat to Decide When It’s Time to File for Bankruptcy

Facing overwhelming debt can be a distressing and challenging situation. In such circumstances, assessing your financial standing and considering available options for debt relief is essential. Read full article  read more

What Happens to My Home if I File a Bankruptcy?

Your Home and Bankruptcy: What Happens to My Home if I File a Bankruptcy?

Chicago bankruptcy and consumer credit attorney Joseph Wrobel shares news and updates on bankruptcy law and business and consumer financial matters. It has been documented that financial troubles can cause all sorts of ailments, the most common of Read full article  read more

Chicago Bankruptcy Question & Answer Podcast with Attorney Joseph Wrobel, April 2022

Chicago Bankruptcy Question & Answer Podcast with Attorney Joseph Wrobel, April 2022

Chicago bankruptcy and consumer credit attorney Joseph Wrobel shares news and updates on bankruptcy law as well as business and consumer financial matters. It has been documented that financial troubles can cause all sorts of ailments, the most common Read full article  read more

Avoiding Mistakes of The Past, Learning from History

Avoiding the Mistakes of the 1980s During the Cold War with Russia, The Soviet Union

Learning from history, we should be avoiding the mistakes of the past, like the 1980s, when people seemed to stop saving and started overspending. If we don’t make smart financial choices when times are good, we are going to have money trouble when Read full article  read more

Life is Short. Get the Bankruptcy. Start Fresh.

Life is Short and Bankruptcy Laws Are Designed to Bail People Out from Bad Times

Keep control over your life and finances by making the decisions that are best for you now, and in the future. Don’t let anyone or anything get in your way. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy laws are designed to help people out when they have financial Read full article  read more

Chicago Bankruptcy Question & Answer Podcast with Attorney Joseph Wrobel, September 2021

Chicago Bankruptcy Question & Answer Podcast with Attorney Joseph Wrobel, September 2021

Chicago bankruptcy and consumer credit attorney Joseph Wrobel shares news and updates in bankruptcy law as well as business and consumer financial matters. It has been documented that financial troubles can cause all sorts of ailments, the most common Read full article  read more

Debt Collectors on Social Media: Changes from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Debt Collectors on Social Media Have to Follow the Rules: The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

The Fair Debt Collection Read full article  read more

Protecting Yourself From COVID-19 Coronavirus Lawsuits

Are You a Business Owner or a Homeowner? You Could Be a Target of Plaintiff Lawyers in Connection with COVID-19 Coronavirus Lawsuits

We have all seen the lawyer advertising on television for class action lawsuits for people who used Roundup, the weed Read full article  read more

Making Car Payments During COVID-19 Coronavirus

Loan Deferment Programs for Making Car Payments Easier During COVID-19 Coronavirus

Business owners and employees from all income levels and walks of life have been economically impacted by COVID-19 Coronavirus and the economic impact of shutdowns and Read full article  read more