Category: Bankruptcy Beyond The Basics

Inspiring Stories of Bankruptcy Survivors

From Financial Ruin to Recovery: Inspiring Stories of Bankruptcy Survivors

Are you struggling with your finances and considering bankruptcy? Do you feel like there is no way out of your debt? Don’t worry; you are not alone. Many people have faced similar situations Read full article  read more

Can I File for Bankruptcy More Than Once?

Information About Deciding Whether to File Bankruptcy More Than Once

Filing for bankruptcy is not an easy decision for anyone. It can affect one’s credit score, financial status, and emotional well-being. However, sometimes it may be the only option left for Read full article  read more

Joe Wrobel’s Thrifty Tips: Saving Money for Easter or Passover Celebrations

Chicago Bankruptcy Lawyer, Joe Wrobel Has Money Saving Thrifty Tips for Easter and Passover

Chicago Bankruptcy Lawyer, Joe Wrobel knows how tight people are stretched financially, but they still want to enjoy holiday celebrations with families. Saving money for Easter Read full article  read more

Learn from Financial News Anyone Can Fail, Get a Fresh Start

When We Learn Anyone Can Fail, We Put Things in Perspective

The news is full of stories about recent bank failures and bailouts. We hear about FDIC coverage securing our deposits up to $250,000, but meanwhile, the people who face the loss of a bank failure are the investors. The take-home point is that someone Read full article  read more

Houston Judge Strips Alex Jones of Bankruptcy Protection

$1.5 Billion Judgement Regarding Sandy Hook Families – Ended a Stay Preventing Families from Proceeding in Litigation

Alex Jones is a radio host sued and found liable for defamation damages regarding Jones, the host of the “Infowars” brand and publication to pay $965 Read full article  read more

Living With Cash: Save Money and Build Wealth Living on Cash and Savings

Living Well With Cash, Leaving Credit, Learning Why Cash is King

Living without credit and getting rich is easy when we change our mindset. What can you do with $10,000 in the bank? You can do a lot more than you can with $10,000 of purchases bought on credit. For people who want to be frugal and build savings, Read full article  read more

Bankruptcy Because of COVID 19 Shutdowns in Chicago

Bankruptcy Because of COVID 19 Shutdowns in Chicago: People Get a Fresh Start and Relief from Debts

More than two years after “flattening the curve” the COVID shutdowns still impact Read full article  read more

Chicago Bankruptcy Question & Answer Podcast with Attorney Joseph Wrobel, April 2022

Chicago Bankruptcy Question & Answer Podcast with Attorney Joseph Wrobel, April 2022

Chicago bankruptcy and consumer credit attorney Joseph Wrobel shares news and updates on bankruptcy law as well as business and consumer financial matters. It has been documented that financial troubles can cause all sorts of ailments, the most common Read full article  read more

Avoiding Mistakes of The Past, Learning from History

Avoiding the Mistakes of the 1980s During the Cold War with Russia, The Soviet Union

Learning from history, we should be avoiding the mistakes of the past, like the 1980s, when people seemed to stop saving and started overspending. If we don’t make smart financial choices when times are good, we are going to have money trouble when Read full article  read more

Life is Short. Get the Bankruptcy. Start Fresh.

Life is Short and Bankruptcy Laws Are Designed to Bail People Out from Bad Times

Keep control over your life and finances by making the decisions that are best for you now, and in the future. Don’t let anyone or anything get in your way. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy laws are designed to help people out when they have financial Read full article  read more