Bankruptcy Blogger


Knowing When It’s Time to File for Bankruptcy: A Guide to Financial Relief

Joseph Wrobel is the Chicago Bankruptcy Lawyer Who Puts Your In the Driver’s Seat to Decide When It’s Time to File for Bankruptcy

Facing overwhelming debt can be a distressing and challenging situation. In such circumstances, assessing your financial standing and considering available options for debt relief is essential. Bankruptcy is one avenue that provides individuals and businesses with the opportunity for a fresh start. This article will explore the signs indicating it might be time to file for bankruptcy and how Chicago Bankruptcy Lawyer Joseph Wrobel can guide you through this complex process.

Understanding Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is Read full article  read more

Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Personal and Business Bankruptcies

Chicago Bankruptcy Attorney Joseph Wrobel Explains How COVID-19 Affects Bankruptcy

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented challenges for individuals and businesses worldwide. With widespread economic disruptions and financial instability, many have found themselves considering bankruptcy as a means of addressing overwhelming debt. In this article, we will explore the impact Read full article  read more

What Are the Differences Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Chicago Bankruptcy Lawyer Joseph Wrobel Breaks Down the Differences Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to Let You Decide the Best Way to a Fresh Financial Start

Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy are two different forms of personal bankruptcy that individuals can file for in the United States. Here are some commonly asked questions about the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy:

Q: What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

A: Chapter 7 bankruptcy is also known as “liquidation” bankruptcy. This type of bankruptcy involves the liquidation of assets to pay off debts. In most cases, this means that the bankruptcy trustee will sell off non-exempt assets Read full article  read more

Inspiring Stories of Bankruptcy Survivors

From Financial Ruin to Recovery: Inspiring Stories of Bankruptcy Survivors

Are you struggling with your finances and considering bankruptcy? Do you feel like there is no way out of your debt? Don’t worry; you are not alone. Many people have faced similar situations and have found their way back to financial stability. In this article, we will share inspiring stories of bankruptcy survivors who have overcome their financial ruin and rebuilt their lives.

Bankruptcy is a legal process that allows individuals and businesses Read full article  read more

Can I File for Bankruptcy More Than Once?

Information About Deciding Whether to File Bankruptcy More Than Once

Filing for bankruptcy is not an easy decision for anyone. It can affect one’s credit score, financial status, and emotional well-being. However, sometimes it may be the only option left for people who are struggling to pay off their debts. But what if they have already filed for bankruptcy in the past and need to file again? Can they do it? This article will explore the topic of filing for bankruptcy multiple times and answer some frequently asked questions related to it.

At Joseph Read full article  read more

Unlock Your Rich Life: Netflix Series Teaches Relearning Personal Money and Finance

Finance Your Rich Life on Your Terms and Conditions, Your Way

Scrolling through Netflix looking for something to watch? Check out the series called How to Get Rich and learn from the author of the best-seller, “I Will Teach You to Be Rich,” Mr. Ramit Sethi, as he teaches us how to find and create our own “Rich Life.”

CNBC: Star of Netflix’s “How to Get Rich:” Avoid these 3 toxic money beliefs – ‘you can literally change your life’

Sethi encourages people to define what being rich means to them. When we set aside everything else in life, we all want more time to spend doing what makes us happy, often with family and friends. We work hard in life so that we Read full article  read more

Joe Wrobel’s Thrifty Tips: Saving Money for Easter or Passover Celebrations

Chicago Bankruptcy Lawyer, Joe Wrobel Has Money Saving Thrifty Tips for Easter and Passover

Chicago Bankruptcy Lawyer, Joe Wrobel knows how tight people are stretched financially, but they still want to enjoy holiday celebrations with families. Saving money for Easter or Passover can be a challenging task, especially when you’re on a budget. However, with some planning and creativity, it’s possible to celebrate these holidays without breaking the bank.

Here are some tips on how to save money for Easter or Passover on a budget:

  1. Create a budget: The first step to saving money is to create a budget for your holiday expenses. List all the items you will need for the celebration, such as food, decorations, and gifts, and allocate a specific amount of money for each item.
  2. Plan your meals: Planning your meals can help you save money by avoiding last-minute grocery trips and impulse purchases. Look for sales and coupons to save money on ingredients, and consider buying in bulk to get better deals.
  3. DIY decorations: Instead of buying expensive decorations, consider making your own. You can use items such as paper, string, and recycled materials to create unique and inexpensive decorations.
  4. Shop smart for gifts: If you plan to give gifts, look for sales and discounts, or consider making homemade gifts. You can also set a budget for each gift and stick to it.
  5. Use online resources: There are many online resources available that can help you save money, such as coupon websites, deal forums, and cashback apps. Use these resources to find the best deals and save money on your holiday expenses.
  6. Avoid unnecessary expenses: It’s easy to overspend during the holidays, but it’s important to avoid unnecessary expenses. Consider cutting back on non-essential items, such as alcohol or expensive decorations, to stay within your budget.
  7. Focus on the meaning of the holiday: Finally, remember that the true meaning of the holiday is not about how much money you spend, but about spending time with loved ones and celebrating traditions. Focus on the meaningful aspects of the holiday, rather than the material ones, and you can have a wonderful celebration without breaking the bank.

Remember that when it comes to money, you are in control of how you spend. Adopting thrifty Read full article  read more

Learn from Financial News Anyone Can Fail, Get a Fresh Start

When We Learn Anyone Can Fail, We Put Things in Perspective

The news is full of stories about recent bank failures and bailouts. We hear about FDIC coverage securing our deposits up to $250,000, but meanwhile, the people who face the loss of a bank failure are the investors. The take-home point is that someone can lose their money easily, through no fault of their own. Bad things happen to good people, and you do not need to be a bank investor to know that. For some time now we have experienced the post-Covid economy and woes of inflation. Learn from financial Read full article  read more

Answers to Common Bankruptcy Questions in January 2023

Bankruptcy Questions and Answers with Joseph Wrobel Chicago Bankruptcy Attorney
Bankruptcy Questions and Answers with Joseph Wrobel Chicago Bankruptcy Attorney 312-791-0996

Answers to Common Bankruptcy Questions in January 2023

Chicago bankruptcy and consumer credit attorney Joseph Wrobel shares news and updates on bankruptcy law as well as business and consumer financial matters. It has been documented that financial troubles can cause all sorts of ailments, the most common of which is sleeplessness. Joseph Wrobel helps clients alleviate the anxiety created by the inability to pay bills and the embarrassment of financial distress.

Answers to Real People’s Questions in this 30-Minute Show:

  • How does a lawsuit become a judgment and how do collections proceedings work?
  • Can I discharge my income tax debt in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
  • I need to file for bankruptcy but also need to buy a car first, will that be a problem?
  • How do I start getting my credit score back up after bankruptcy?
  • What is the time frame and process I can expect in a common bankruptcy case?

Joseph Wrobel Read full article  read more

Houston Judge Strips Alex Jones of Bankruptcy Protection

$1.5 Billion Judgement Regarding Sandy Hook Families – Ended a Stay Preventing Families from Proceeding in Litigation

Alex Jones is a radio host sued and found liable for defamation damages regarding Jones, the host of the “Infowars” brand and publication to pay $965 million in damages to Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims and families as well as $473 million in punitive damages, for a total of $1.44 billion.

Jones recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. A bankruptcy filing Read full article  read more