Good credit after bankruptcy
At the point you are in a bankruptcy it no longer matters what happens that led to filing Chapter 7 or 13. For purposes of good credit, what matters is what happens after the bankruptcy discharge. Many people are surprised in how quickly they can qualify for a student, car or home loan after bankruptcy. Starting with a secured credit card, people can rebuild their credit score, especially since they are no longer under the burden of debts they couldn’t pay.
Start with a secured credit card
People are shocked how easy it is to get a secured credit card. All you need to do is deposit the amount of your credit limit with the issuing bank or credit card company. Very simply, if you don’t pay your credit card bill, you forfeit the deposit. Since the bill is guaranteed, it makes sense to give people secured credit cards to fix their credit.
As you use the secured card like a regular credit card your balance and payments will be reported to the credit bureaus and your scores should rise with responsible use of the secured credit card. After a year or more of using the card, the deposit may be returned to you and the card converts to a traditional credit card.
After a few months of credit rebuilding with your secured credit card you may start seeing traditional credit offers in your mailbox and when you apply to one every three or four months or so you may be accepted more often than rejected for new credit opportunities.
Pay down your balance before the due date
Credit repair professionals helping consumers qualify for home loans after bankruptcy say to use no more than a modest amount of your total credit and pay your credit card bill every month before it is due. When paying your bill, they say your credit score can benefit from leaving a few dollars balance instead of paying the bill down to zero.
The idea in not using too much credit and paying it down every month is to ensure that at any given moment during the month the credit bureaus can take a snapshot of your credit usage. It is better not to max out your cards and at any given moment have plenty of money to spend and to pay the bill after you spend.

For more ideas, see Nerdwallet: How to Rebuilt Credit After Bankruptcy
About us: Joseph Wrobel, Ltd., works with clients to find out if they qualify for Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy, and their options and rights under the law. The firm will also advise and assist clients with questions and concerns about the collectors and their rights to pursue you.
Joseph Wrobel, Ltd. helps people get control of their finances and a fresh start at financial freedom. The firm’s website contains informative videos about financial issues as well as bankruptcy protection for families who want a fresh start. (312) 781-0996.
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