The Consumer Federation of America “(CFA) is an association of non-profit consumer organizations that was established in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through research, advocacy, and education. Today, nearly 300 of these groups participate in the federation and govern it through their representatives on the organization’s Board of Directors.[i]” The CFA studies consumer behavior and uses focus groups to follow economic trends and how public policy can affect consumers. The use of credit and the cost to consumers when they have low credit scores is a particular area of inquiry for the CFA. Creating pro-consumer policies and increasing communication and awareness about credit issues is a focus of this service organization.
The recent survey and release of findings on credit scores and the costs to consumers
The CFAs sixth annual survey of credit scores today, was released June 13, 2016. The survey findings indicate that over 80 percent of consumers do not understand some basic facts about their credit scores. The following are highlights of the survey as reported in the CFA press release:
- Credit scores are used by mortgage lenders (88%) and credit card issuers (87%).
- Key factors used to calculate credit scores are missed payments (91%), personal bankruptcy (86%), and high credit card balances (85%).
- Ethnic origin is not used to calculate these scores (believed by only 12%).
- 700 is a good credit score (81%).[ii]
The findings show that the Millennial generation have less an understanding of the credit scoring system when compared to Generation X.
What consumers do not know, can cost them money
A low credit score can affect many aspects of a consumer’s day to day life. Not only is your credit score used to determine the percentage rate you would pay on a car or home loan. The insurance rates you pay can be significantly higher than your neighbor with the higher credit score. When the insurance companies consider a consumer with a low credit score (something under 620) they figure that individual is more likely to file multiple insurance claims, and the statistics back it up.
Many people with low credit scores have more difficulty financing a home and renting is their only option. More bad news for renters with low credit scores – expect to pay a higher security deposit when renting a home or apartment. The assumption is that people with low credit scores have a hard time paying their bills, so the rental owner wants more money on deposit in case the renter with the low credit score cannot pay their rent.
Today is the day you can start learning more about credit and how to maximize yours
By reading this article and the CFA press release, you will know more about credit than many others out there. Here’s something else to be aware of, advocates for reform want more protection for consumers so their lives are not determined by credit scores. If you do some research on the Internet, you can learn how to write your local legislative representatives and tell them you want them to take better care of consumers with protection laws that prevent big companies from charging you more money due to your credit score.
Next steps in repairing, boosting and making your credit score bulletproof
Well, we can’t really make your credit rating bulletproof, but there are several ways you can improve your score and keep it there. If you are underwater on all your payments and your scores suffer every month with negative reports, a Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy can help you wipe out the debts you cannot pay and give you a fresh start. Rebuilding your credit is much easier when you are not behind the eight ball. We can connect you with credit repair companies who use advanced systems to wipe out negative debt and “zombie” debts that may be hurting your score. When you also consider secured credit cards, credit unions and more, you can really take control of your credit, save money and live the way you deserve!
Joseph Wrobel, Ltd., works with clients on consumer issues including bankruptcy and they can offer additional information to find out if you qualify for Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy, and your options and rights under the law. The firm will also advise and assist clients with best credit repair options.
Joseph Wrobel, Ltd. helps people get control of their finances and a fresh start at financial freedom. The firm’s website contains informative videos about financial issues as well as bankruptcy protection for families who want a fresh start.
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[i] Consumer Federation of America, website, About CFA
[ii] Consumer Federation of America, 6th Annual Credit Score Survey Reveals Large Majority Know Credit Score Basics But Don’t Understand Important Details, Jun. 13, 2016 press release.