Ask an anonymous bankruptcy question for our radio show!

Do you have questions about bankruptcy and have a specific situation that causes you to believe bankruptcy protection might save the day? Once a month, Joseph Wrobel appears on the Chicago Bankruptcy Update, an Internet radio show/podcast as he teaches basic bankruptcy concepts while answering real questions about bankruptcy from real people.

If you have a bankruptcy law question for attorney Joseph Wrobel, you can send him an e-mail at and he will read it on an upcoming episode of the Chicago Bankruptcy Update. Please write “radio show question” in the subject line so your question can be included.

Important Disclaimer:

Please understand a few disclaimers: (1) answers to questions read on the show do not constitute legal advice; (2) asking a question to be answered does not create an attorney/client relationships; (3) the radio show is for education and entertainment purposes only.

Joseph Wrobel takes his time to appear on the Chicago Bankruptcy Update for many reasons, mostly to help you, the person who may need bankruptcy information, gets the real information you need without a “sales pitch.” Joseph Wrobel has been an active bankruptcy attorney for more than 40 years and has seen just about everything. As a result, he quickly thinks of the types of situations that are challenging in bankruptcy law.

Joseph Wrobel is changing how people look at bankruptcy. Do not be afraid of taking control.

Attorney Wrobel also knows that too many people are afraid to admit financial defeat, afraid to talk to a lawyer, and afraid of losing their home, car and possessions. There are many instances in which people will not lose everything, will not have to worry, and will be able to start over fresh, without all the debt and harassment from creditors.

If you want to stop the phone calls, wage garnishments and get a better financial attitude, take Attorney Wrobel’s advice and ask the real questions so you can get the real answers. The only bad questions are the questions never asked.

We hope you join us and share your hypothetical question for an upcoming radio show episode.

At Joseph Wrobel, Ltd., we all hope you enjoy our monthly radio show and share it with other people you know might be too shy or ashamed to ask for help. Together we can make a difference.

Joseph Wrobel, Ltd. helps people get control of their finances and a fresh start at financial freedom. The firm’s website contains informative videos about financial issues as well as bankruptcy protection for families who want a fresh start. To keep in touch and read about consumer finance news and stories you can Like the firm’sFacebook page and Follow Joseph Wrobel. Ltd. onTwitter. If you need immediate legal assistance, please call Joseph Wrobel, Ltd. by calling (312) 781-0996 to talk to an attorney today.